{# /** * @file * Theme override for views listing table. * * Available variables: * - headers: Contains table headers. * - rows: Contains multiple rows. Each row contains: * - view_name: The human-readable name of the view. * - machine_name: Machine name of the view. * - description: The description of the view. * - displays: List of displays attached to the view. * - operations: List of available operations. * * @see template_preprocess_views_ui_views_listing_table() */ #} {% set classes = [ 'responsive-enabled', 'bordered', 'highlight', ] %}
{% for header in headers %} {{ header.data }} {% endfor %} {% for row in rows %}

{{ row.data.view_name.data }}

{{ row.data.machine_name.data }} {{ row.data.description.data }} {{ row.data.displays.data }} {{ row.data.operations.data }} {% endfor %}